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  • August 07, 2014 3 min read 1 Comment

    Vitamin D Deficiency

    The purpose of vitamin D within the human body is multi-faceted, the April 2008 edition of “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” stated that vitamin D deficiency symptoms had reached pandemic levels.

    Researchers found the majority of adults do not consume sufficient vitamin D through dietary sources, nor do they spend enough time in sunlight when natural sunlight to hits the skin the body can produce vitamin D, vitamin D3 natural supplements can be effective at fending off vitamin D deficiency.

    While vitamin D is essential to create a healthy skeletal system, those who don't consume enough vitamin D put themselves at a higher risk of a wide range of health complications.

    Common Causes of Vitamin D Deficiencies Symptoms

    Sunshine Vitamin D

    Commonly referred to as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is produced by the body when the skin is exposed to direct sunlight. Many minority groups have an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency by adhering to traditional customs and by natural physiology.

    The purpose of vitamin D within the human body is multi-faceted, the April 2008 edition of “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” stated that vitamin D deficiency symptoms have reached pandemic levels.

    In Asia especially, white skin is fiercely sort after; this means fewer and fewer people are getting outside and safely enjoying the benefits that natural sunlight provides.

    Religious customs and traditional clothing can sometimes mean people don't get enough exposure to natural sunlight, as can living in northern and southern latitudes, during seasons when the sun doesn't shine for long periods.

    Darker Skin Tones Can Lead To Vitamin D Deficiencies

    Those with dark skin need more direct sunlight to hit the skin for the body to produce enough vitamin D. As dark skin contains more melanin - this is a natural pigment that lessens the body's ability to convert sunlight into vitamin D.

    Consuming A Poorly Balanced Diet

    Those who embark on extreme diets can experience vitamin D deficiencies. As can consuming a diet that contains inadequate levels of vitamins in general.

    Vegans & Vitamin D

    Vegans must take special care to ensure they consume a diet that contains a balance of all vitamins and minerals. Vegans can be susceptible to vitamin D deficiencies as fish and fish oils, eggs, milk and most dairy products are natural sources of vitamin D.

    Increase Cancer Risk

    The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements states this vitamin D may play a direct role in preventing the development of certain types of cancer.

    Preliminary research has found a relationship between vitamin D levels and cancers such as colon, breast and pancreatic. It must also be noted that the connection between vitamin D and cancer is also present in those with inordinately high vitamin D concentrations. 

    High Blood Pressure

    Proponents and advocacy groups of vitamin D supplementation suggest there is a direct connection between high blood pressure and vitamin D deficiencies.

    Those who embark on extreme diets can experience vitamin D deficiencies. As can consuming a diet that contains inadequate levels of vitamins in general.

    Although initial research suggests a lack of vitamin D may directly influence cardiovascular system health, the Mayo Clinic states scientifically based evidence is lacking to confirm these theories.

    Nonetheless, the bodily processes supported by vitamin D may negatively affect the cardiovascular system by hindering other organs and their duties if they aren't receiving the correct nutrition. 

    Bone Health

    While the first two symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are still under investigation, the scientific community agrees bone degradation is the most common, and most likely, a symptom of vitamin D deficiencies.

    Vitamin D directly supports bone health by promoting calcium intake. When hindered, bones can become brittle and weak while bone regeneration is slowed. Osteomalacia and rickets are two of the most common bone disorders associated with a deficiency, but others can develop as a result.

    Daily Recommendations

    The daily recommended to avoid experiencing any vitamin D deficiency symptoms is to intake 600 International Units per day of vitamin D through dietary sources.

    However, the older you are, the higher the recommendation. While exposure to sunlight must be continually monitored to prevent skin damage, moderate exposure every day is an essential step to avoid vitamin D deficiency.

    1 Response

    Teresa Hutton
    Teresa Hutton

    February 01, 2021

    Hi , do you do a lower dosage of vitamins d , I’ve had yr 5000 , is that ok to take …. hope to hear fr you

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