```html ``` Brown Rice Nutrition V Its White Rice Counterpart.

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  • June 02, 2014 3 min read

    In many areas of the world, brown rice nutrition has been a staple food for thousands of years. This abundant and nutritious grain has supported entire civilisations and helped the build nations that forged the modern world we know today.

    What Is Brown Rice

    When most people think of rice, they conjure up images of grain as white as snow. What many folks don't realise is that this polished white rice isn't the food's rice's natural form, before being processed it was brown rice.

    White rice is highly refined, having had its germ and bran, the most nutrient-dense parts of the grain, completely removed. What's left behind is little more than pure sugar, a detrimental substance to human health, whole grain brown rice nutrition comes from the husk and bran.

    Brown Rice Nutrition Has Been Lost In Modern Times

    Brown rice is the grain that has been eaten since ancient times. It the grain that was grown and eaten for thousands of years. Modern processing methods have enabled rice to be processed en masse.

    Brown Rice V White Rice

    Whole grain brown rice still possesses its germ and bran, which are the sources of vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein and healthy fats. Polished white rice provides none of these things and is, therefore, considered "empty calories."

    Indeed, white rice is so devoid of nutrients that manufacturers add inferior synthetic vitamins and minerals in an attempt to replace some of what was lost during processing.

    This is because processed white rice is refined; it's had the nutritious husk and bran removed, and been polished with a powder to make it smooth.

    The body treats white rice the way it would processed sugar. The carbohydrates are absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream, triggering a large spike in blood sugar levels.

    The body must then compensate by sending out a surge of insulin to normalise glucose levels. This results in a phenomenon known as reactive hypoglycaemia, in which blood sugar becomes too low. Over time, this can lead to metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

    Why Is Brown Rice So Good?

    A brief comparison of brown and white rice will immediately reveal the nutritional differences. Brown rice contains a similar amount of calories per one-cup serving. White at 216 calories compared to 205 of brown rice. This makes the whole grain rice ideal food for weight management.

    High In Fibre

    Furthermore, at four grams of fibre per cup unprocessed rice provides satiety, helping you stay full longer, reducing hunger pains. The fibre in whole grain brown rice means it promotes better digestive health and regular bowel movements.

    Mineral Contents of Brown Rice

    The mineral content of brown rice is impressive. A one-cup serving provides the body with 88% of the daily required manganese and 27% of selenium RDA (recommended daily intake).

    The mineral found in brown rice nutrition are essential tools used by the body's immune system. When the immune system has access to all the vital vitamins and nutrients it requires to function properly, it can effectively fight disease and keep the body healthy. Providing efficient cognitive function and growth in adolescents.

    Whole grain brown rice contains a more complete vitamin B complex than processed white rice; vitamin B is critical for nearly every process the human body completes in keeping itself healthy.

    Brown Rice Nutrition Superiority

    Aside from the obvious brown rice nutrition superiority, It's also a better choice for diabetics and others prone to blood glucose issues. The antioxidants and slow release energy make us question why we ever ate white rice.

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