```html ``` Are Green Vegetables Your Worst Nightmare? Find Out Why.

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  • March 07, 2016 2 min read

    If you do hate eating green vegetables you are not on your own. Some of us don't like veg while we are young and some never do. Why is this?

    Well, believe it or not, there is an excellent explanation; this can certainly go some way to explaining why we all fall in love with different foods.

    Are You A Supertaster  or A Undertaster?

    We don't all have the same amount of taste buds in our mouth, meaning that taste is a very individual experience. Roughly 50% of people have one of the two conditions; meaning they taste things very differently.


    are people who have more densely concentrated taste buds in the mouth, meaning they experience much intenser flavours than the average person.


    as you would expect to have much fewer taste buds in their mouths than the average 'Joe', and therefore experience much less flavour in the things they consume.

    Test Yourself

    Their is a way to check if you fall into on group or the other, if you put 'Sweetners' or Sweet'N Low into half a glass of water and drink it, if you find it bitter you're a supertaster, sweet and you're an under tester, if you get both you're normal, so they say...

    So how does this equate to vegetables? Well, it mainly affects supertasters, as they find vegetables to be bitter and unsavoury, its these supertasters that have a harder time falling in love with vegetables.

    There isn't anything that can be done apart from adjusting the methods you use to cook vegetables. Supertasters usually struggle to hit their recommended five a day fresh fruit and vegetables servings.

    If you're a supertaster then its good to be aware of the fact, and make sure you take vitamin, mineral and nutrition supplements, some superfoods and organic supplements can be as good if not better than eating fresh.

    But either way make sure you get your 5-7 fruit and veg servings a day, it's not a get out of jail free card, just because your taste buds are different, you still need the same nutrition as everyone else for your body to function properly.

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