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  • July 22, 2016 4 min read

    What Are Chia Seeds?

    A Background into Chia Seeds

    Chia seeds are relatively new to Europe, United Kingdom and North America, but chia was an integral part of the ancient Aztec civilisation of South America.

    Chia's official name is 'Salvia Hispanica', it was one of the most important commodities in Ancient Aztec civilisation. Chia is sometimes known as Chian or Chien.

    What Is Chia?

    Chia is a plant grown and harvested for its seeds since well beingAztec times; the seeds were highly valued and one of the most traded commodities in Aztec society. It was highly prized because it is high in nutrients, could be used to make glues and other products, and provides satiety; the well-being and comfort by feeling satisfied and full for long periods.

    Chia seeds have continued to be used by the people of South and Central America since Aztec times. Being well known in the region for providing nutrients that are hard to come by from other sources. In the past two decades word of chia's abundant nutrients has spread, and with the search for sustainable food sources in full swing the seeds has been catapulted into notoriety.

    Why Am I Reading About Chia?

    In recent times, western culture has become more health conscious; this acute newly aroused awareness that 'the quality of food consumed has a direct relationship to quality of life'. This 'awakening' in the western world has sparked a search for foods that are high nutrients.

    In many cases, this search has gone full circle, the rediscovery of many ancient long forgotten grains and food sources is uncovering crops, which are indigenous to Latin American and Asian countries. 

    Chia seeds are exactly one such food. An integral part of Aztec civilisation the seeds is rapidly finding its way into the daily diet of many in the West. With good reason too, chia is high in many elements that we now know are essential to a healthy balanced diet.

    Chia Seeds May Be Our Saviour

    The last 50 years have seen major advances in medicine and medical research. The vast majority of research points to the undeniable fact that poor diet, and lack of exercise can be directly attributable to poor health.

    Many diseases and health issues could be reduced if not avoided all together if a health nutritious balanced diet is adhered to. It is important to stress that the important word here is 'balanced'. Extremities in any direction are not good, and a healthy balanced lifestyle needs include regular exercise.

    Chia seeds and other superfoods can help keep our bodies flush with vital nutrients and vitamins; this is because super foods contain high concentrations of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Superfood's and chia seeds offer an efficient and effective way to maintain healthy levels of essential nutrients and vitamins in the body.

    Chia seeds are easily combined into almost any meal, giving it a nutritional boost. The nutrition value of any meal can be significantly lifted by introducing super foods; chia seeds are taste and odourless which makes them the perfect addition, especially fro picky children.

    Maintaining a balanced and complete diet helps prevent disease, illness and hold back the effects of old age, but it also benefits our mental well being, enabling us to live a full and complete life in complete balance.

    Omega Essential Oils & Chia Seeds

    The benefits of consuming omega essential oils as part of a balanced and complete diet has been well documented in recent times. Omega 3 & 6 oils are found in abundant supplies in fish. However, for numerous reasons most people don't eat enough fish.

    More worryingly, if scientists predictions are right, and if commercial fishing continues at present rates, fish stocks could be exhausted within 50 years.

    Whatever the reason, as a nation we should be eating more fish, chia seeds have an abundance of omega 3 & 6 oils.

    Nutritional Benefits of Chia Seed

    There are many benefits that can be gained from eating chia seeds or products that contain chia. Aside from the direct quantifiable nutritional benefits, there are also associated well being benefits. These can be felt by having increased energy levels and experiencing better 'moods'. Psychological well being should never be trivialised.

    The main quantifiable nutritional benefits that the body receives from consuming chia are as follows.

    Omega 3 & Omega 6 essential fatty acids – as previously mentioned Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the body, this mean they have to be consumed in one form or another. Chia seeds provide the body with easily digestible Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. Omega 3 a known and researched anti-inflammatory, by making sure the body has access to plenty of Omega 3 will greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, arthritis as well as regulating blood sugar levels and insulin that are produced by the by.

    Antioxidants - antioxidants are elements that help the body rid itself of free radicals; free radicals build up in the body and the immune system is constantly fighting to keep their levels down. The body uses its energy and resources to fighting free radicles and keep their levels down, but while the immune system is occupied doing this it is not regenerating as many cells as it could be or transporting as much oxygen around the body. Our bodies stay healthy by regenerating cells. By eating foods that contain lots of antioxidants that help our bodies fight free radicals, we free up the immune system and allow it to do what it does best, protect us.

    Vitamins & Minerals

    Chia seeds contain many vitamins and minerals and lots of trace elements, those elements, vitamins and minerals are;

    • Calcium
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium
    • Iron
    • Zinc
    • Niacin
    • Folate
    • Vitamin A

    High Fibre Content

    Chia seeds are extremely high in fibre; one 28g serving will provide you with 13% of the recommended daily intake of fibre. Consuming a lot of fibre aids the digestive system, helps with weight loss and helps the heart by stopping some fats salts and bile from entering the bloodstream, fibre also helps the body absorb more water.

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