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  • August 24, 2015 2 min read

    In China and other eastern countries, the health benefits of green mulberry tea are already extremely well known. Indeed, the Chinese have been using mulberry in their medicines for thousands of years, and document that the herbal tea helps to lower levels of unhealthy cholesterol, improve circulation and even encourage weight loss.

    Here in the western world, we’re gradually cottoning on to the health benefits offered by mulberry tea, and sales have increased in recent years. Although it’s still notoriously tricky to get it on the high street. We’re now gradually realising that the mild-flavoured tea can act as a valuable antidote to our busy, stressful lives, by helping to lower cholesterol and even fight off colds and other minor infections.

     However, it’s now been suggested that this tea can offer an even more significant health advantage to those who are at risk of developing and are already suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. But can this be medically verified, or is it just wishful thinking?

    Mulberry Tea: Combatting Type 2 Diabetes – The Evidence

    According to a number of studies, mulberry tea can indeed help to manage the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes. The first significant study was undertaken in 2010 at the Japanese International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences and featured in the highly regarded Journal of Food Science. Scientists identified that a substance called DNJ (Deoxynojirimycin), which occurs naturally in the mulberry plant, is a ‘highly potent glycosides inhibitor’. In simpler terms, it’s a substance that naturally suppresses levels of glucose in the blood, which in turn, prevents diabetes.

    Further Evidence For The Effectiveness OF Mulberry Tea

    In the Feb 2010 issue of the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, there was a published study, detailing further proof of how Mulberry tea can help those suffering from Type 2 diabetes. The lab animal study was conducted over a period of three weeks, and it was noted that the animals involved had decreased fasting blood sugar, reduced glucose levels and raised levels of insulin.

    The study also indicated that mulberry produces antioxidants, which help to combat some of the oxidative effects of the illness.

    The Official Medical Verdict?

    So far, evidence strongly suggests that Mulberry tea can offer considerable benefits to those suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. However, research is still very much in its early stages, and as a result, medical practitioners would avoid recommending mulberry tea as an official treatment of the condition.

    However, the good news is that mulberry tea is harmless and that it certainly isn’t going to do you any harm to drinking it once or twice a day. Given the evidence presented so far, it’s likely to help with symptoms of Diabetes, but even if you don’t notice a difference, you’re likely experience some other health benefits instead. It’s also interesting to note that mulberry tea leaves contain over 25 times more calcium than milk and ten times more iron than spinach. It also contains:

    • Vitamins A, B1, B2 and C
    • 18 amino acids
    • Antioxidants
    • Potassium and magnesium

    In short, it packs a serious punch when it comes to improving your health! Our advice? Try it, and discover the results for yourself.

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