```html ``` Himalayan Pink Rock Salt Contains Over 80 Minerals - The Natural

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  • May 29, 2019 2 min read

    Himalayan Pink Rock Salt is harvested from the foothills of the Himalayan mountain range in Northern Pakistan, formed over millions of years the salt has been infused with over 80 minerals and trace elements as it has formed.

    We sell Pink Himalayan Rock Salt in two forms, corse and fine which can be purchased HERE...

    With the continued and widely publicised polluting of our planet's oceans high altitude rock salt is quickly gaining notoriety as being a clean and pure source of salt, tagged on to this as it is formed over millennia it absorbs a plethora of minerals and elements.

    Listed below is a list of minerals and elements Himalayan Rock Salt contains.

    Hydrogen 0.30 g/kg
    Lithium 0.40 g/kg
    Beryllium <0.01 ppm
    Boron <0.001 ppm
    Carbon <0.001 ppm
    Nitrogen 0.024 ppm
    Oxygen 1.20 g/kg
    Flouride <0.1 g/kg
    Sodium 382.61 g/kg
    Magnesium 0.16 g/kg
    Aluminium 0.661 ppm
    Silicon <0.1 g/kg
    Phosphorus <0.10 ppm
    Sulfur 12.4 g/kg
    Chloride 590.93 g/kg
    Potassium 3.5 g/kg
    Calcium 4.05 g/kg
    Scandium <0.0001 ppm
    Titanium <0.001 ppm
    Vanadium 0.06 ppm
    Chromium 0.05 ppm
    Manganese 0.27 ppm
    Iron 38.9 ppm
    Cobalt 0.60 ppm
    Nickel 0.13 ppm
    Copper 0.56 ppm
    Zinc 2.38 ppm
    Gallium <0.001 ppm
    Germanium <0.001 ppm
    Arsenic <0.01 ppm
    Selenium 0.05 ppm
    Bromine 2.1 ppm
    Rubidium 0.04 ppm
    Ytterbium <0.001 ppm
    Zirconium <0.001 ppm
    Niobium <0.001 ppm
    Molybdenum 0.01 ppm
    Technetium unstable artificial isotope
    Ruthenium <0.001 ppm
    Rhodium <0.001 ppm
    Palladium <0.001 ppm
    Silver 0.031 ppm
    Cadmium <0.01 ppm
    Indium <0.001 ppm
    Tin <0.01 ppm
    Antimony <0.01 ppm
    Tellurium <0.001 ppm
    Iodine <0.1 g/kg
    Cesium <0.001 ppm
    Barium 1.96 ppm
    Lanthan <0.001 ppm
    Cerium <0.001 ppm
    Praseodymium <0.001 ppm
    Neodymium <0.001 ppm
    Promethium unstable artificial isotope
    Samarium <0.001 ppm
    Europium <3.0 ppm
    Gadolinium <0.001 ppm
    Terbium <0.001 ppm
    Dysprosium <4.0 ppm
    Holmium <0.001 ppm
    Erbium <0.001 ppm
    Thulium <0.001 ppm
    Ytterbium <0.001 ppm
    Lutetium <0.001 ppm
    Hafnium <0.001 ppm
    Tantalum 1.1 ppm
    Wolfram <0.001 ppm
    Rhenium <2.5 ppm
    Osmium <0.001 ppm
    Iridium <2.0 ppm
    Platinum 0.47 ppm
    Gold <1.0 ppm
    Mercury <0.03 ppm
    Thallium 0.06 ppm
    Lead 0.10 ppm
    Bismuth <0.10 ppm
    Polonium <0.001 ppm
    Astat <0.001 ppm
    Francium <1.0 ppm
    Radium <0.001 ppm
    Actinium <0.001 ppm
    Thorium <0.001 ppm
    Protactinium <0.001 ppm
    Uranium <0.001 ppm
    Neptunium <0.001 ppm
    Plutonium <0.001 ppm

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