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  • November 24, 2015 2 min read

    Green Super Foods Are The Most Varied & Available

    Green super foods are some of the most accessible and nutritious super foods available. Many green super foods are indigenous to Europe and North America, and lots of the best ones are ones we eat (or don't) as part of our natural diets. There are also some new emerging green super foods like wheat grass that grows naturally and abundantly around Europe & N. America, but until recently we were unaware of the huge nutritional benefits consuming it has for us.

    Nutrients Are Easily Digested

    Green super foods are good for us because the nutrients that they contain are easily digested by our bodies, they also contain these nutrients in extremely high concentrations. Green vegetable super foods also contain numerous elements that initiate fat burning and vitamins and minerals that boost our immune systems and are high in alkali with balances the bodies pH levels.

    Green Super Foods Contain A Wide Variety of Nutrients

    Most green vegetables and green super foods contain a wide verity of compounds and nutrients that our bodies greatly benefit from receiving, many of these elements are difficult to find in any grew quantities in other food sources; some green foods have them in abundance.

    Chlorophyll Revitalises The Blood

    Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes green organic matter green. There is often lots spoken about the benefits of chlorophyll, and that is with good reason. On a micro level, the building blocks of chlorophyll are virtually identical that that of blood and human tissue. There are number of studies that show when our bodies consume chlorophyll haemoglobin levels in the blood increases significantly.

    Higher haemoglobin levels allow the blood can carry more oxygen. Cells use oxygen to repair themselves and regenerate. The faster cells can regenerate a direct effect on the bodies ability to fight disease and stay healthy. When cells quickly regenerate themselves, it is thought to slow the ageing process.

    Green Super Foods Support The Digestive System

    Green super foods also provide the body with a large selection of proteins, these proteins are daily broken down and digested by the body. Present in large quantities are photo-chemicals and healthy bacteria's that among other things help assist the digestive system to stay strong, a robust and efficient digestive system is essential for the body to remain active and healthy.

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