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  • November 24, 2015 3 min read

    Green Super Food Chlorella

    Chlorella is one of the lesser known green superfoods, but it is one that we at AboutChia are keen to spread the word about, Chlorella is a balanced and complete super food that offers a nutritional punch; as do all green super foods.

    The most important factor to be aware of when using Chlorella super food is the quality and production methods involved. Different cultivation techniques and harvesting methods can produce vast differences in the nutrients that the Chlorella algae retain.

    What Is Chlorella Superfood Algae

    Chlorella is a type of blue-green algae that grows in fresh water. Chlorella is completely safe for humans to consume as a superfood. At points in its, history Chlorella has been hailed as the superfood saviour of those living below the poverty line and suffering from hunger in the world.

    This is because of its balanced and complete nutritional makeup. But it's hard to cultivate en-mass. The largest producing countries of Chlorella dietary supplements are Japan and Taiwan.

    However, Chlorella Algae has been consumed extensively throughout South East Asia and Asia for Millions of years. The single-celled plant is thought to be billions of years old.

    Benefits of Chlorella

    Because of the balanced and rounded nutritional values of Chloral when it is regularly consumed it has profoundly positive effects on the body. Chlorella has been credited with being able to cure a whole number ills and ailments; it is also used as active prevention of many others. Here are just a few;

    • Cancer - Chlorella is utilised in the prevention & treatment of various diseases.
    • Heart disease
    • Obesity - Fights obesity via its detoxification qualities and as a food supplement.
    • Diabetes
    • Constipation & bowel disorders
    • Depression & other psychological disorders
    • Hypertension
    • Asthma
    • Vitamin & mineral deficiencies

    Multivitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants That Can Be Found In Chlorella Green Super food

    The direct benefits that can felt by eating Chlorella super food are much varied; from the obvious nutritional benefits of consuming food that has an abundance of proteins, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids and some not quite so apparent benefits that will be very welcome. Here are a few, but this list is by no means complete, this superfood has much more to offer:-

    • Overall immune system boost
    • Detoxification
    • Energy Boost
    • Vitality Boost
    • Digestive track revitalisation
    • Vitamin boost - Chlorella, as with most green super foods pack an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Not only are lots of vitamins and minerals present, but they are present in significant numbers. Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E are all present. To find all these vitamins in the real levels in which they are found in Chlorella is far and above what any manufactured supplement will provide. A word of caution tho, in recently times scientists, have discovered that the vitamin B12 that is found in Chlorella isn't very bio-available; meaning the body finds it hard to breakdown and absorb.
    • Mineral & Amino acids

    Chlorella V Spirulina

    We often get asked which is best or which do we prefer between spirulina and chlorella, and it is not that kind of choice. They are two very similar products with very similar uses. Both are excellent at what they do, and you should choose which one to use based on your needs and circumstances.

    There is an article dedicated to spirulina that can be read here. We are firmly suggest you do so before using either of these nutrition supplements to be sure you are taking the one which is most suited to your needs.

    In brief, spirulina probably has the greater nutritional value, but chlorella is a better antioxidant, being particularly good at removing heavy metals that build up in the body, such as mercury. Mercury gets into the body from a wide verity of sources it can be in our food, for example, tuna has high in mercury levels, to vaccinations, and the pots and pans used to cook the food we eat.

    The reason why we have so much information on our website is so our customers can make informed decisions about the nutrition they choose to ingest.

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