```html ``` Is A Balanced Diet Something We Care About?

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  • June 15, 2015 3 min read

    Balance is important in every aspect of our lives, our diet and the nutrition we consume is no different. But in 2013 we all know this, right? Well their's no reason not to if you live above ground. So then it poses the question if we know this then why do most of use not practice it? Why do most of us eat an unbalanced diet? This alone has a negative impact on all aspects of our lives.

    Heightened Awareness of A Healthy Diet

    Most people are aware of the dramatic effects on our physical well-being that our diet has. Eating nutritionally balanced meals at regular intervals maintains the body's optimum mental and physical performance. This isn't a point for contention as so many studies have been conducted that prove the point beyond doubt.

    One of the most high-profile and extreme such studies in recent times was 'Super Size Me' by Morgan Spurlock. Where Spurlock only eats McDonald's for one month, the mental and physical impact this has on him is dramatic. Now, of course, this is the end of the scale, and such a documentary was made to shock us, but the effects of eating a highly unbalanced diet are very real.

    Do We Make Enough of An Effort To Eat Healthily?

    This study and other such not so extreme studies all point to the same thing; that eating a balanced or unbalanced diet affects nearly every aspect of our lives. From day to day moods we experience to long term health issues.

    So back to the original question and point of this blog post. If we are all aware that eating well is beneficial to our lives, then why aren't we making more of an effort to do it?

    We Asked Our Customers

    By talking to our customers and using online surveys, we discovered that the answer to that question is very positive. A little over 60% of the people that we asked, said they are making an effort, and are somewhat satisfied that their diet and lifestyle is healthier than it was five years ago.

    When we asked those surveyed to expand on this, we discovered that most are very conscientious about what they eat; and would usually take the healthy option, if one was available, whether that be eating out, or home cooking.

    The other 40% were a mix of people that didn't agree that what they ate had much of an impact on their personal performance, those that didn't care and 15% that knew they should be making more of an effort but didn't have the time or the opportunity.

    If we combine the 62% that though they were making an effort and 15% that knew they should be thought it was impractical to, then over 75% of those surveyed were aware and educated enough to know that what they eat has a dramatic impact on their well-being.

    The Majority Do Care About Their Diet

    This is fantastic news, the vast majority of people are aware that what they eat dramatically affects their lives.

    It is our aim at AboutChia to make eating a nutritious, balanced diet even easier, for those who are aware and conscious of the benefits of eating a balanced diet, and it seems to be the majority, by consuming super foods in your everyday diet will boost the amount to nutrients your body receives.

    Not only will the overall nutrition your body receives be vastly improved by also your body will have access to vitamins, minerals and compounds that would otherwise be hard to find. Antioxidants that reduce the levels of free radicals in the blood and essential fatty acids are just a couple of the elements that super foods tend to be high in.

    Super Foods Integrated Into Our Diet

    There are many different ways to consume super foods, some are raw ingredients that can be added to meals, and others are handy snacks that can be eaten between meals and fit in with a busy lifestyle.

    If you have any questions regarding any of the products on sale in our stores then please don't hesitate to contact us.

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