Senna Tea Benefits

Senna tea is recognised the world over for its medicinal properties. People consider it as a natural remedy, particularly for constipation and other related conditions, and have been using it as such for centuries.

What are the more popular Senna tea benefits?

Benefits of Senna tea include it being a powerful natural laxative. The use of senna as a non-prescription laxative is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration USA). Senna is widely used for treating constipation, as well as cleansing the entire bowel and colon, prior to undergoing diagnostic tests like colonoscopy. Senna tea benefits also include its ability to soothe and prevent haemorrhoids and managing irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.

Senna Leaf Tea Origins

Senna leaf tea plant is native to Central and South East Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East. Today, it can also be found in other regions where the climate is temperate. History indicates that physicians in Asia and other Arab nations used senna leaf tea as treatment for a wide variety of medical conditions, including skin diseases, seizures, dysentery, infection, indigestion, and fever.

Ayurvedic Uses of Senna Leaf Tea

Ayurvedic medicine used the herb to treat respiratory, skin, and liver problems. In Egypt, research indicates that physicians used the herb to treat their patients who were of royal blood for constipation. There is a lack of significant evidence to prove the efficacy of senna tea leaves for most of these conditions. Since the Renaissance, however, people continued to use the herb as a laxative and enjoy Senna tea benefits.

Indian Senna Tea

India has been using the senna leaves or pods from the senna plant as a laxative for more than a thousand years. Today, you can get the many benefits of Senna tea by using the herb in one or more of its many forms. You can purchase senna in tablet and capsule forms, use loose tea or tea bags to brew tea, or use it in its liquid extract form. You can also get it in its pure dried root form from many health supplement stores.

The Make Up of Senna Tea

Senna leaf contains resin, sugar, mucilage, flavonoids, sennosides, glycosides, and anthraquinone derivatives. The latter interacts with the bacteria in your digestive tract and causes laxative action. Glycosides smoothen out the abdominal muscles as food passes through the intestines – enhancing the volume of stool and helping it move out of your colon. The glycosides also act as a purgative agent promoting fermentation and digestion.

This natural laxative has many Senna tea benefits.

If you have a problem with being constipated, the use of Senna tea can help you find relief because it stimulates the colon muscle. However, you have to bear in mind that constipation has many causes. It may be the result of not drinking enough fluid or consuming too little food which are high in fibre. It may even be the result of anxiety or stress.

How To Use Senna

Be prudent in your use of Senna to get Senna tea benefits. Use senna herbal tea in diluted form first and wait for it to act. It may take 6 hours or 12 hours before you see results. You will also get maximum benefits of Senna tea if you make some significant lifestyle changes. Eat more fruits and vegetables to add more fibre to your diet. Drink more water. Engage in regular exercise. All these changes will help further promote Senna tea benefits.

Some people like the weight loss benefit of senna tea. You can make an herbal tea blend using senna infusion as one of your ingredients to kick off the cleansing process and purge your body of harmful waste and toxins. Make sure that you incorporate other health-friendly teas and food to your diet after the initial purging.

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