Himalayan Pink Rock Salt Contains Over 80 Minerals
May 29, 2019Himalayan Pink Rock Salt is harvested from the foothills of the Himalayan mountain range in Northern Pakistan, formed over millions of years the salt has been infused with over 80 minerals and trace elements as it has formed.
We sell Pink Himalayan Rock Salt in two forms, corse and fine which can be purchased HERE...
With the continued and widely publicised polluting of our planet's oceans high altitude rock salt is quickly gaining notoriety as being a clean and pure source of salt, tagged on to this as it is formed over millennia it absorbs a plethora of minerals and elements.
Listed below is a list of minerals and elements Himalayan Rock Salt contains.
Hydrogen | 0.30 g/kg |
Lithium | 0.40 g/kg |
Beryllium | <0.01 ppm |
Boron | <0.001 ppm |
Carbon | <0.001 ppm |
Nitrogen | 0.024 ppm |
Oxygen | 1.20 g/kg |
Flouride | <0.1 g/kg |
Sodium | 382.61 g/kg |
Magnesium | 0.16 g/kg |
Aluminium | 0.661 ppm |
Silicon | <0.1 g/kg |
Phosphorus | <0.10 ppm |
Sulfur | 12.4 g/kg |
Chloride | 590.93 g/kg |
Potassium | 3.5 g/kg |
Calcium | 4.05 g/kg |
Scandium | <0.0001 ppm |
Titanium | <0.001 ppm |
Vanadium | 0.06 ppm |
Chromium | 0.05 ppm |
Manganese | 0.27 ppm |
Iron | 38.9 ppm |
Cobalt | 0.60 ppm |
Nickel | 0.13 ppm |
Copper | 0.56 ppm |
Zinc | 2.38 ppm |
Gallium | <0.001 ppm |
Germanium | <0.001 ppm |
Arsenic | <0.01 ppm |
Selenium | 0.05 ppm |
Bromine | 2.1 ppm |
Rubidium | 0.04 ppm |
Ytterbium | <0.001 ppm |
Zirconium | <0.001 ppm |
Niobium | <0.001 ppm |
Molybdenum | 0.01 ppm |
Technetium | unstable artificial isotope |
Ruthenium | <0.001 ppm |
Rhodium | <0.001 ppm |
Palladium | <0.001 ppm |
Silver | 0.031 ppm |
Cadmium | <0.01 ppm |
Indium | <0.001 ppm |
Tin | <0.01 ppm |
Antimony | <0.01 ppm |
Tellurium | <0.001 ppm |
Iodine | <0.1 g/kg |
Cesium | <0.001 ppm |
Barium | 1.96 ppm |
Lanthan | <0.001 ppm |
Cerium | <0.001 ppm |
Praseodymium | <0.001 ppm |
Neodymium | <0.001 ppm |
Promethium | unstable artificial isotope |
Samarium | <0.001 ppm |
Europium | <3.0 ppm |
Gadolinium | <0.001 ppm |
Terbium | <0.001 ppm |
Dysprosium | <4.0 ppm |
Holmium | <0.001 ppm |
Erbium | <0.001 ppm |
Thulium | <0.001 ppm |
Ytterbium | <0.001 ppm |
Lutetium | <0.001 ppm |
Hafnium | <0.001 ppm |
Tantalum | 1.1 ppm |
Wolfram | <0.001 ppm |
Rhenium | <2.5 ppm |
Osmium | <0.001 ppm |
Iridium | <2.0 ppm |
Platinum | 0.47 ppm |
Gold | <1.0 ppm |
Mercury | <0.03 ppm |
Thallium | 0.06 ppm |
Lead | 0.10 ppm |
Bismuth | <0.10 ppm |
Polonium | <0.001 ppm |
Astat | <0.001 ppm |
Francium | <1.0 ppm |
Radium | <0.001 ppm |
Actinium | <0.001 ppm |
Thorium | <0.001 ppm |
Protactinium | <0.001 ppm |
Uranium | <0.001 ppm |
Neptunium | <0.001 ppm |
Plutonium | <0.001 ppm |